Tuesday, 19 January 2016

B1 Damage caused by smoking

Smoking is bad for you - OK

- as you will be sitting a science GCSE you have to be scientific so give specific detailed answers!

Tobacco smoke contains many chemicals that can damage living tissue.

Tar in the smoke is a carcinogen - this means that it can cause cancer!

Image result for Tar in smoke

Another chemical that causes you damage is the gas Carbon monoxide.

This poisonous gas joins with the haemoglobin in red blood cells. If the red blood cells are carrying Carbon monoxide then they are not carrying Oxygen! We need Oxygen for respiration.

A lack of Oxygen to active muscles can cause pain.

Carbon monoxide also makes blood vessels narrower. So, these blood vessels can therefore carry even less oxygen so the cells that the blood vessels reach may even die. If the heart doesn't get enough Oxygen then you might get a heart attack and even die.

Carbon dioxide and other gases in the smoke can also cause emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Nicotine is the big problem - it is addictive.

It is the nicotine in tobacco smoke that makes it difficult to give up - even if you know the tar is killing you.

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