Now, what is this classification all about? Some folk get really mixed up about all this but don't worry. It really is quite easy and I'm not just saying that because I am a science teacher - honest.
So where do we start. Let's start at the very beginning - I think there is a song there!. Basically, all living things are put into groups because they have things that are the same. They have similar characteristics.
To help scientists and people who study living things talk about the same thing we use a classification system to classify (organise) living things into similar groups. These 'fancy names' ensure that no matter what language you speak you can talk about the same organism.
Panthera tigris is a tiger. Panthera leo is a lion - think of Leo the lion or the zodiac sign of leo. Notice there are 2 words - this called the binomial system of classification. Bi means 2 like in bicycle. Anyhow, you have got to know the order of the grouping system we use - so learn it OK.
If it helps to remember the order the just learn, King Phillip Came Over For Gooseberry soup.
So, with Leo the lion, Panthera is the Genus and leo is the species. The clue for the species is it is always the last word of the pair and it always starts with a small letter - Panthera leo.
If you are still wondering why we bother with all this then think of the common woodlouse - Armadillidium vulgare. If I was giving a lesson on these wee beasties I would call it a 'slater' and you might not know what I was talking about so we use the binomial name so everyone everywhere who studies these crustaceans knows what is is.
The five kingdoms of organisms. Sounds impressive eh?! Kind of Lord of the Rings stuff.